Appliances follows the personal information protection law to protect the privacy and interests of its users. When you use Appliances services you trust us with your information. This Privacy Policy is meant to help you understand what data we collect, why we collect it, and what we do with it. Please take the time to read it carefully.

1. Why we collect your information & How we use information we collect

1) Registration and management.

- Prevent unauthorized use.

- Announcements, notification and conflict changes.

2) Marketing and Advertising.

3) Effective Service

-Information is automatically generated during the service process may be collected.

Examples of personal information we collect:

- Application registration : Login Username

2. Retention of personal information

We keep personal information secure based on the appropriate laws and regulations:

- Information is collected to prevent : Fraud

Reason : Prevent unauthorized use

Period : up to 1 year

3. Collecting information in accordance to laws and regulations.

4. Disclosure of personal information to a Third Party

However, in the case below, we will provide your personal information to partner companies in accordance with any relevant laws and regulations without your consent.

1) If the user has agreed to provide or publish or to a third party first.

2) In accordance with relevant laws and regulations, or if there is a request by law enforcement agencies on the basis that the procedures and methods stipulated in the laws are for investigation purposes.

5. How we protect your information

Appliances has taken strong technical/ administrative precautions to protect your personal information from being; lost, stolen, leaked, altered or damaged.

1) Encryption of personal information

User passwords are saved via one-way encryption. Also, all personal information are stored and managed in the form of a secure cryptographic algorithm.

2) Protection against Hacking

Appliances employs intrusion detection and intrusion prevention systems which run for 24 hours a day in order to prevent personal information being stolen. To prepare for emergency situations, all intrusion prevention systems are operating in a redundant configuration. Confidential information of individuals is managed on the reliable network in the form of encrypted communication.

6. Destruction of Personal Information

if the Company has obtained separate consent from users regarding the retention period of personal information or if the laws and regulations impose duties to retain information for a certain period, personal information may be stored safely during the designated period.

Personal information that fully serve its purpose of collection and use, by means such as membership cancellation, service termination, and/or expiration of the retention period of personal information approved by the user, is destroyed to an irreversible state.

Information required to be retained under the statutes is also destroyed to an irreversible state without delay after the expiration of the relevant period.

Personal information stored in electronic form is securely deleted by technical means to prevent its recovery or restoration, while written information is shredded or incinerated.